Ok I don’t remember what day and date is it, but yahhh Dania made a plan to gather us at Yaya’s house. Since she cant make it on Saturday, we came to Yaya’s house for all of us. Hihi, well we went to McD and ate quite lot though, HAHA. Well, I’m a eater lover, what can I said. That’s why I gained weight now. So what? I’m happy just the way I am right? So zip-up your mouth please :D That’s not the fun part! You wanna know, HAHA. I cant even forget it! HAHA We went to McD by Taxi. Well that day, there were 6 of us (include Shasha-my sister) AHHA, at first Dania was forcing us to go A.Point but Mas, Iqin and I refused it. Dania didn’t care bout us so she called taxi and ask for two taxi. We yelled at each other cause of that, but what-to-do, its already late to cancel the called cause the first taxi just arrived. Hihi, we’re surprised cause why there was only 1 taxi. So guess what?! We had to took the taxi! And filled ourselves in that small taxi! Imagine the Proton Saga taxi and 6 passengers. Don’t you feel funny and torturing? Goshhh, I swear to Allah I’m gonna kill you Dania! HAHA. Then we arrived at McD and enjoyed ourselves. And imagine on our way back to Yaya’s house (luckily Dania went home early cause she need to prepare herself to
With Love,
Nikki Zamri
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