Friday, December 31, 2010
Hey Aie. Thanks for introducing me what is the beatBox.
With Love,
Nikki Zamri

With Love,
Nikki Zamri
I'm putting myself into trouble. Great starting for 2011
Happy Anniversary A♥
Nikki Zamri
Hey People of the World

With Love,
Nikki Zamri
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Gonna take a chill pill sweetie
He off to Pinang, holiday with his family. Leave me behind
I just felt nothing in this world
I am a Mysterious Teenager
Check this out! Yummmyyyyy, ferking delicious!
Hey Holiday, Thank you for made my day
Hey, I did a Yoga, unbelievable!

Ok, Mama bought this 14 days challenge Fitness cereal. And there was a CD title BodyBalance. Well sort of Yoga lah! And I was too excited to do it. So I woke up early and do the Yoga pose! FAKKKKKK! It was damn hard, I thought it was easy enough to control all the movemont but it's just not! I'm sweating all over the body, from head-to-toe! HAHA, but I'm proud to do it well and finished the challenge. And I gained some idea/technique to loose some weight, and even to build up my six pax! AHHA, Im proud of myself, thank you ALLAH xx
Meet Shayne Lahl Lamas. The Bachelor 12 winner
Reunion with Dania, Masturah, Hidayah and Iqin ♥

Ok I don’t remember what day and date is it, but yahhh Dania made a plan to gather us at Yaya’s house. Since she cant make it on Saturday, we came to Yaya’s house for all of us. Hihi, well we went to McD and ate quite lot though, HAHA. Well, I’m a eater lover, what can I said. That’s why I gained weight now. So what? I’m happy just the way I am right? So zip-up your mouth please :D That’s not the fun part! You wanna know, HAHA. I cant even forget it! HAHA We went to McD by Taxi. Well that day, there were 6 of us (include Shasha-my sister) AHHA, at first Dania was forcing us to go A.Point but Mas, Iqin and I refused it. Dania didn’t care bout us so she called taxi and ask for two taxi. We yelled at each other cause of that, but what-to-do, its already late to cancel the called cause the first taxi just arrived. Hihi, we’re surprised cause why there was only 1 taxi. So guess what?! We had to took the taxi! And filled ourselves in that small taxi! Imagine the Proton Saga taxi and 6 passengers. Don’t you feel funny and torturing? Goshhh, I swear to Allah I’m gonna kill you Dania! HAHA. Then we arrived at McD and enjoyed ourselves. And imagine on our way back to Yaya’s house (luckily Dania went home early cause she need to prepare herself to
With Love,
Nikki Zamri
The Holidays

Ok, the first week of holidays. It was damn bored man! And I was like a hobbit lived in the house. Dont know what am I supposed to do. So I went out with my beloved guy to KL. We hung there like we own the world. But hey, who the fuck cares? HAHA, we went home at 8pm something and yet I enjoyed my day, Fab-LANEEEE! xx
With Love,
Nikki Zamri
Well, I'm back! Im so sorry guys
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tomorrow I'll try to update the blog.
Thursday Celebrating Birthday Girl Day!

2nd December 2010
nikki ♥
happy 'becoming' birthdayyyyyyyy. enjoy ur life. HAHA
wey, rindu kawww ♥
Monday, November 22, 2010
I had a big row with my dad
I put all my effort to finish up my story book
I'm starting to miss you
I'll just need something to blast up my day
A♥ Goodluck for the SPM sayang ;D
SPM is on todayyyy, weehhhoooooooo :D
At Yaya Johan's homieeeeeee

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I didnt manage to get my MacBook cause of the results -'-
I need to sleep but I dont need to sleep
Where is he for this one whole day? Mhm

Its raining on the last day of school :DDD
Sri Hartamas
Friday, November 12, 2010
I think I'm not in the good mood right now -'-

Its 0430
Arif Chong is my English Tutor, Yeayyyyyyyyy!

Nothing much right now