Thursday, March 15, 2012

I grew-up in a selfish family. Awesomeeee!

This entry is absolutely dedicated to my family. I'm not trying to make my family look horrible but I need to let it out. Dear my beloved family, please stop being selfish. It is not cooooooool at all! We are Family, please work together and help each other. I'm afraid that I might loose my temper and begin to be a spoilt brat again! Hope one day you will see my tiredness, depressed and disappointment. I just love you guys and if you can see, sometime I did help one of your's house chores. So why cant you help me when I'm asking politely to? I'm busy working and I'm not working in an office hour, so I'm very exhausted. BUT I NEED MONEY TO SUPPORT ME! Arghhhhh, this entry screw my mind. And i hate it, that's all! ENOUGH!!

With Love,
Nikki Zamri.

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